Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Last Blog Post.....

In four months I have:
·     - Got to see an old friend I haven’t seen in four years
·      -Been in three different countries
·      -Walked through the Black forest in Germany
·      -Seen the largest cuckoo-clock in the world
·      -Visited all the parts of the city of arts and sciences in Valencia
·      -Visited at least four different castles in Spain
·      -Seen a few brilliant cathedrals
·      -Drank the best beer in Germany and the best Sangria in Spain
·      -Danced the nights away until 8 o’clock in the morning plenty of times
·      -Had more glasses of red wine than I any other beverage I have had

·      And overall met amazing people that will always hold a special place in my heart.

            I remember thinking that it couldn’t be true that I was coming to Europe. I remember thinking that how did I go from asking my parents for a prom dress to wear my senior year of high school to asking if I could fly out earlier and stay with my friend in Germany only a few months later.
            For my European friends, put yourself in my shoes and think how crazy it would have been if you were coming to America to study for four months while your family is six hours behind on the time.  
            I remember when the time got closer how I would feel anxiety when someone brought up Spain and how I couldn’t see my living room couches or my bedroom floor for a few weeks while packing for this adventure. Looking back I don’t know why I stressed so much about something so easy.         
            I remember how amazing it was to hug my long lost friend, Jonas and how those ten days flew by so fast. The sadness I felt leaving him and how scared I was for Valencia.
            The first day I was really sad and stressed but the next day with my host parent’s family showed that I’ll get there. Being the scared American in my class made me realize that the next time I see an international student in my class at my university that I am going to approach them and make them feel welcomed just like those who did for me and those who I wished did for me.
            I remember the first time I could hold a whole conversation on the phone with my professor and with my host dad.
            I remember all those times going out to the club and dancing the night away until the sun came up and looking at the clock thinking oh yeah I usually wake up in like an hour.
            I remember watching the students in my internship remember how to say certain English sentences that I couldn’t believe they picked up so fast and how proud of them I was. Especially when they could say my name correctly!  
            I remember standing at the top of the castle in Segovia watching that sunset go down too fast, just like the time I had left in Spain.
            I can think of all the people I have met and how between the lovely ladies and the awesome guys how my standards have been raised tremendously. Not just for having a boyfriend, but also for people I chose to keep in my life in general. I have made better friends here then I have with some people I have known all my life. It’s crazy when you know you don’t have much time together how grateful you are for everything little thing.
            My craving to see the world has nowhere near been cured, if anything it’s worse than it was before.  There is so much out there that people from my town, my college, my state, my country do not realize. Before Spain, I felt lost and insecure. I felt like I needed someone or something to hold onto. Now I feel whole. I feel that seeing so much and experiencing as much as possible has fulfilled that empty part of me I didn’t realize I even had.  I now have this urge to go on road trips across the US, maybe explore Canada some more. Maybe I’ll go back to where my craving for travel all started that I wanted to see more the world when my parents took us to South Dakota by RV. Maybe I can visit Costa Rica, the place that inspired me to learn Spanish. At the same time, I want to see so many other places I haven’t experience.
And how knows! Valencia, Spain has a student teaching program so I just might return in two years…
  The world is like a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

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