Friday, November 27, 2015

A Fantastic Saturday Night!

One of my best friends who lives in Valencia took me to see a soccer (football) game for the local professional team! She invited me over to her house and it was awesome to have an actual family meal and be outside the house for once. Her parents drove us to the game and unfortunately the teams tied. It was still so much fun with the excitement of the fans and we even picked our favorite player to be #21! The stadium was beautiful except the steps were pretty steep and I felt like it was rather dangerous to stand up.  

 Then after we went to a local bar and the bartender and a few others bought us our drinks. She was speaking in English while I spoke Spanish and I don't think anyone would of been able to eavesdrop on our conversation. I am forever grateful for my friend here. We both share the same passion for teaching. She reminds me of my best friend at home.
It's not where you've been, it's the people you have met.    

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