Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Poco a Poco

I can't remember smiling this much today as I have in a long time! I keep discovering more and more about myself and it's such a beautiful thing. I believe I have always been content and satisfied, but I can truly say I am so happy with the part of life I am in now. Ironically it is probably the hardest part of my life but I keep discovering this strength and intelligence that I didn't know I was cable of. I came to Europe just after getting out of a time of my life where I was constantly in a relationship. I was scared of not only being on my own physically but emotionally too. Coming here was like starting a blank page: no friends, no relationship ties, no family, no connections other than my one friend two countries away in Germany. Just me and myself (and my friend Alicia).

Today was as simple as usual. I went to my Spanish grammar class, but today I was able to understand and speak a little bit more. I try not to get too excited, but other times I feel like I need to keep celebrating to remember how amazing it is to have locals understand you completely and for you to understand them! I discovered the library and it is beautiful and peaceful! I managed to get a lot done today and then I went to my English class. I was placed in a different group and they are so nice! They help me with my Spanish while I help them with their English. We laughed and we talked a lot about my home which I was more than happy to talk about. I do miss home but when they asked if I liked it here, I said with all my heart. I am this small town girl living in this gorgeous city and I couldn't feel more lucky or amazed.

After I met my three best friends from my major here and we laughed while we missed the metro and said jabs to each other about how their Irish Slang throws me off. We also had a nice hilarious conversation about all the Will Ferrell movies we have seen! Then I had lunch with one of them who is from Belgium and we talked or hours. It was relaxing and we talked about anything and everything. I have met so many amazing people it's incredible.

I started my internship today and it was a lot of desk work but I did feel pretty important typing on a big Mac computer in the office areas with the administration! I start being a teacher aid in the language classes for children soon and I couldn't be more excited.

Every morning I do feel a little anxious about going to class and speaking, but every morning I feel it less and less. Everyday, my spanish improved, I feel another piece of me fall into place, I feel amazed to be here but excited to go home. I can't say I am wishing for time to fly by, but I also can't say I never want to leave. I am so happy to have this adventure for the amount of time I do and I am so lucky to see how it changes me more and more everyday. The only thing I could really wish for is to learn Spanish a little bit faster! But as they say here in España, poco a poco.

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