Friday, October 30, 2015

US and España:

There are so many similarities of Spain and the US but there are definitely many differences! 

  • The classes are organized differently. 
In the US, most universities supply a list of classes you must take in order to graduate. There is a few that only upperclassmen can take or specific perquisites for certain classes. However, students are able to choose when they want to take them and what times they prefer. Every schedule is different and there are different people in every class with the teacher´s usually being in the same room or building. 
Here in Spain and other European countries, depending on your major you are put into a group and a room number. You stay in that room with the same people all day and the teachers come into your classroom. It´s a college schedule already made for everyone in your major. 

  • ¨Meet at 8:30¨
American timing: Anywhere between 8:00-8:15

Spanish Timing: Anywhere between 8:35-8:50

Every meeting and class I have had in Spain has usually started at least 10 minutes after the original timing. It´s not annoying here because you just count on everyone being a tad bit late. It´s almost like they are more calm than us Americans. If I am late to a class in the US, everyone stares at you and the teacher says some smart remark of why you´re a few minutes late to class. In Spain, if you´re late to class, most likely the teacher isn´t even there yet! I do think in the US we are always on the go and running but I do like how in Spain things are calmer and more relaxed. However, sometimes it can be a little too relaxed for me! 

  • Much more than a handshake:
I thought it was a stereotype that Spanish kiss both cheeks when they greet each other. My first week I don´t know how many kisses I got while being introduced to people. For those who know me I am not one to hug or be all cuddlely with my friends but Spain has managed to change my ways. It almost feels weird meeting someone or saying good bye without cheek kisses. It´s even better when there´s a cute guy you are being introduced to and before you even say your name you get two kisses! When they ask what we do in America I say, we like to not touch each other if possible and tend to do a head nod.´s not that distant but Spain is definitely more touchy feely! I actually prefer it here. It´s fun always feeling loved by your friends! 

  • English Sarcasm is tricky:
For anyone going to study abroad be careful how you word things in English. It´s one thing to learn a language but another to understand the culture of it. I´ve had sarcastic comments of Spanish fly over my head but I believe there is a lot more sarcasm in English and it is much more subtle. When I speak to others in English who don´t know it as their native language, I say one thing and they take it a bit literal. I think one time when someone asked what I am going to tonight, I said ¨cry until I fall asleep¨ since I had had a long day. There were very concerned and wanted to make sure I wasn´t going to cry! I felt bad! It is a relief to meet people from a place like Ireland and just let the sarcasm flow. It´s almost stress relieving! 

  • Timing of Parties:
An average party in the US usually starts at 9:30 but most people come at like 10 so they aren´t early but aren´t late either. Then you play a few games, see your friends, laugh a lot and at midnight you might go to a bar or a club or just simply stay home. Then at around 2am/3am, you head on home. 

In Spain, they eat dinner at around 9/10pm. Then they don´t meet up with their friends until midnight which is pretty early. Then at around 2am, 3am they head to club and return home to sleep at around 7am. I tried that and lasted till 4am. I do not know how they do it. They do have that siesta in the middle of the day to recover! 

Spain is an incredible country and it´s not a huge cultural shock but it´s cool to live somewhere where things are a bit different! 
There definitely aren't a lot of castles in the US! 

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