Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day by Day:

After yesterday with my nervous encounter with one of my professors who was worried about my Spanish level, I had only one class today which is actually my only English speaking class. It’s cool though because in my group everyone speaks Spanish so I speak Spanish too but I also help my group do extraordinary well with the English we have to write and speak to our professor. We are learning how to teach ESL through children’s literature. Even though this isn’t necessarily required for my major, it is still something really fun and cool to do! After my class I took the metro home and had a nice talk with my host mom, Rosa in Spanish. I can feel my language skills improving all the time. I just hope things pick up a bit more with my two education classes that are in Spanish. I am quite nervous to go to my only class tomorrow that is with the professor who is worried about my Spanish and pointed out to the whole class that I was from the States. I get too nervous easily. After I study my grammar and played a few Spanish games with Rayni. Then we had fish for dinner. I went to meet up with my three best friends from the university, two are from Portugal and one is from Belgium. Their Spanish is much better than mine, which is great for me! We walked around the city and then I came home. I just need to take everything day by day.

Here is a picture I captured at night of my favorite spot in this city!

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