Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My weekend!

Today was just another day of me going to my classes and coming home then studying so instead I am going to talk about my very fun weekend I had!

Saturday, Alicia and I went to the Oceanographic museum which is right down the road from our house! This is the largest aquarium in all of Europe! I am not one to stare at fishes all day but this place was gorgeous, probably my favorite thing I have done here in Valencia. There were different sections of marine life such as those that live in warmer waters and those of the arctic. There was a super cool tunnel that was all glass so you could see sharks swimming right above your head! We also got to see a dolphin show which was incredible. How the people are able to communicate with the dolphins are beyond me.

Sunday I ran in my first Color Run! This is a 5k run that people throw colors at you at every kilometer! There was awesome music and was really fun to run in with my friends from my school. There was a huge dance party after it this was the most relaxed I had been in a while because I had no worries! Kind of cool I got to do my first color run in Valencia! I still have pink in my hair! 
This weekend taught me to live out every free moment you get because each second is precious. 

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