Friday, September 25, 2015

Today was much like other days of my week. Exciting, a bit overwhelming, slightly stressful, and interesting! I have been waking up earlier because I have a class at 9am. With the metro and the bus, it takes a bit of time to get to class. I have a new Spanish class with an awesome professor who reminds me of my favorite Spanish high school teacher. They even look alike! I actually had a break today between my classes and it was very nice! It's weird writing an English here because my brain is so focused on learning Spanish that I've had to actually delete words I accidently wrote in Spanish. I can't wait to be officially bilingual. After my last class, I went home and probably spend the most on my homework and studying Spanish. I have a book that I bought last week that I own in English but the book I bought here is in Spanish. It is very difficult to read but I am trying! I went to bed pretty early, I think because my brain was tired from all the Spanish lately! A pretty boring day to say, but I am excited at the improvement I see in my Spanish!
This is what the front door of my campus looks like! 

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