Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Only English Class!

With my program here in Valencia, my professor is allowing me to take one class in English mainly for our sanity! The class I chose is English as a second language with children's literature. The class is very easy to me because I am the only native English speaker in the class and the other students wish to learn more English. Today the teacher was trying to get the class to pronounce different vowels the way English speakers do. I came into class and the professor said "Nancy! You are going to be a teacher today!" I was a little stunned and nervous and I said "ahhh okay!" She clicked to the next slide show and a poem from Mother Goose was shown. 

The professor then wanted me to read it and the class was amazed. I never noticed how different the p's sound in English with Spanish. I do know I stress my p's too much in Spanish but here I was seeing the opposite. I was nervous to read because it is a tongue twister! When a Spanish speaker sees the word "Peter" they think Pit-ah not Peet-errr. I love this class and it's more than learning how to speak English but it's specifically talks about how to teach children these pronunciations. Even though I am not an elementary major, I know this will be very valuable to have in my future job as a high school teacher whether it be with Special Education students or teaching Spanish. 

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