Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Today I woke up thinking this was going to be a long day. I have somehow obtained a sore throat and a horrible headache with less than 4 hours of sleep to my second days of class. My first day wasn't the greatest but my second day was a little bit better! Most likely because it was my only class in English! It is about Children's literature and I was the only native English speaker there. This class will definitely be fun and a nice break from my other classes that are in Spanish! On the way to the metro, I made friends with two girls from Portugal. I introduced to my other friend Sara who is from Belgium and we all got on the metro together. Then the driver said that there was a malfunction with another train so it was going to be a few hours before we could leave. A taxi from where my classes are to back home would be really expensive, so the four us all went to a small pub to eat lunch and that was really fun! Then we came back and the metro was running again. I made it home and my roommate from China, Rayni, wanted to go get some frozen yogurt in the center. We shopped around a little bit and then headed home for dinner. We had paella and that tasted really good! Then the rest of the night I just organized my classes and of course studied more Spanish!  
This is a picture of one of the stops and trains of Metro Valencia. These stations are very clean and organized. It's a nice bit of a city experience to ride these to get to my classes!  

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